Monday 18 January 2016

Rough Cut - Miss Georgiou

Feedback is key, as it gives my group and myself a better idea on what the audience except to see within our thriller sequence. By having outsiders opinions it gives us a better outlook on what to improve in a thriller. Therefore the rough cut is essential to have as it's more a less a practice into something that can be improved massively later on. Having audience feedback gives the audience a say in what they think my group and myself would need to improve in our sequence; it gives us a chance to see what we've missed out in our thriller sequence as we're so used to seeing our thriller sequence as a group we think it's completely fine, however with an outsiders opinion there may be things that we've missed out in our sequence. By carrying out our rough cut it makes my group and myself a basic planning idea on what we would like our thriller sequence to be like; we can also edit and improve the sequence along the way.

Receiving feedback from the audience was easy an easy procedure as we carried out questionnaires on what the target audience would like to see in our thriller sequence; it made us have a more successful rough cut as we included the target audiences opinions into our sequence. When we finished our rough cut we uploaded it onto youtube we got more opinions on what to improve on our thriller sequence even though it's completed. This feedback is important as it makes my group and myself have a better rough cut overall. By having feedback from our film industry it gives our thriller sequence an opportunity to be able to fit into the film industry ideas on what they would except and it would give them the best product to sell to the audience; with having a specific film industry name you need to make sure your thriller film is perfect as your representing their name branding industry; if the film isn't perfect then it would give the industry a bad name but if the thriller sequence is good it will make the industry have a good name and will represent them well.

We uploaded our film Imprisoned to youtube to get both positive and negative feedback back; so it will give us a better idea on what we should improve on; The positive and negative feedback we got
back was helpful as it made us rethink what we should add and what we should keep the same. Below is the comments we received from our film 'Imprisoned'.

Our first  comment was overall positive, saying that our thriller was amazing; with this comment it made our group feel more enthusiastic knowing that the audience enjoy watching our thriller sequence and they can see the conventions in it. Also we would add different types of filters that would make the thriller much more conventional; this would make it more conventional as it would show the audience different types of moods; for example if I was to add a black and white filter at the end it would show that there is death involved as the conation of the colour black is associated with death and misery, which is conventional in a thriller genre. however the first comment had suggested that we use more edits and filters to make the suspense greater; i'd take this into consideration and is a good way of showing myself and my group what outsiders say about our thriller sequence, to create more suspense I'd add suspenseful music which builds up throughout the ending when the victim gets stabbed; even though we have suspenseful music we could make the sounds sound more dramatic to the audience; which would engage them more into feeling more sorry for the victim; due to the sound at the ending it could

Our second comment was saying that the thriller sequence is conventional to the thriller genre; which is a positive comment as it's key to make it clear to the audience that the thriller is conventional; This is good for us, as it shows us that it's a good thriller sequence and that it pleases our target audience; The same person also commented a negative comment which made us realise some of our minor mistakes; such as saving a contact as anonymous; this isn't realistic as no one saves someone they don't know as anonymous; it would usually just be +44. We would take this into consideration and in the future make sure we go over our minor mistakes.   

Lastly our comment was about our sounds and how we didn't necessarily use them correctly; such as when we placed a sound where it didn't flow consistently which could seem like its just been cut out quickly; this would effect our overall tension on the audience as it doesn't flow in that part of our sequence; to improve this for next time we need to be more careful as to where we place our sounds.