Tuesday 8 September 2015

Research into the BBFC- Miss Miller

The BBFC is a highly expert and experienced regulator. It's a organisation that decides the rating of certain films, they double check them to ensure the rating that has been given to the film they agree with. In some other countries such as America; may have given the rating that the BBFC doesn't agree with, so therefore the BBFC would recommend to change the rating. For example it may be a 15 in america but England may think it's a 12a. The BBFC has been a thing since 1912. It was set up by the film industry to give it the correct rating as to what would be seen as acceptable for the audience who would be watching it. In 1984 the parliament passed the video recordings act.

The U symbol stands for universal, which means the rating of a film can be viewed by any ages. As it wouldn't involve
any violence or sexual references. Films rated a U wouldn't have any bad language it will only use words such as 'damn' and 'Hell' which isn't inappropriate for the viewing audience. In a U rated film there wouldn't be any sexual reference only kissing or cuddling this could be seen as sexual behaviour but it's not exactly what the directors/writers want to portray in their film. Normally U rated films are cartoons or animated, such as despicable me and Monsters inc.  The BBFC said that the U stands for universal and that the U film should be suitable for ages over 4 years old. The BBFC did say it is impossible to predict what could affect or upset a particular child so by having the age limit of over 4 years old is suitable.

For example Monsters inc. is intact a U rated movie. This film doesn't contain any violence or sexual references which could be seen as inappropriate to the younger audience. It does contain mild comic violence;however it wouldn't be set out to be portrayed that way. From the film poster shown, you can tell that it isn't going to contain any violence as its just a group of cartoon/animated monsters smiling or pulling a weird look. At the bottom of the poster it has a subtitle saying 'We Scare Because We Care' from that you can tell that the film is just about a group of friendly monsters doing a job which contains scaring, however to some eyes it could be taken differently. This film falls into the category of a U rated film, it contains comedy and is animation as I said which younger children would enjoy, however the older generation could also enjoy the film as it may have adult conversations that adults could perhaps relate to and find funny, but nothing to serious for the younger generation not to get. The characters are friendly and comic. For example mike wvsoki is a small green monster who's kind and funny that only wants to succeed and has the dreams of any other Big scary monster, it shows the younger kids if he's not scared of anything, the younger kids shouldn't be either. More over Sully the big Blue monster looks scary to some but again is a nice friendly monster this also shows the younger generation not to judge a book by its cover. Both of these characters have a unique friendship who always help each other out which shows again the younger generation how to treat others.

The PG symbol stands for Parental Guidance. This means the film that has been rated it is only suitable for some viewers. A PG film means the film is suitable for general viewing. Its not suitable for anyone under the age of 8 years old. This its because parents more a less get to decide whether the film would upset their younger child or more sensitive children. In PG rated films there would be mild language. There isn't any sexual references, however in PG films the sexual behaviour/references are mild or undetailed. The BBFC have said that PG rated films shouldn't be viewed by anyone under the ages of 8 as i previously said. The BBFC did say that PG rated films are best suited age 8 and over as it wouldn't effect the film as bad as any ages below 8.

For example Tangled is a PG. It's a walt disney film which has the audience for younger children. The narrative is about a evil witch who wants to stay young and would do whatever she could to do that,which is when she steals the king and queens baby daughter who has a special feature about her (her hair). Every time the evil witch sings a song and holds Repunzales hair she becomes young again. Later on in the film a man comes to the rescue but theres also a twist to that. It's rated a PG as some younger children might think that the evil witch is scary and might upset the younger generation due to some of the scenes. There's hardly any sexual references apart from kissing and cuddling. It many be infrequent or even undefiled. From the film poster you can tell its a children's film as its animated and a disney film. There sub title is "They're taking adventure to new lengths" which engages all ages over the ages of 8 as it draws you in to what adventures they would be going on. The main characters in this film are Repunzael;Flynn and Mother Gothel. Who all have different personalities.  Repunzael is unaware of her life and is a kind hearted young girl who does as she's told by her 'Mother' but eventually that soon begins to change as she realises that Mother Gothel isn't what she says she is. Each character has there own individual personalities. Repunzal in the end decides to stand up for herself and fights back. Overall I think that this is a PG as it has mild violence and a scary Mother.

The 12 and 12a rated films means that no one under the age of 12 can view it due to sexual references and language, that could be seen as inappropriate to any ages under 12. The difference between 12a and 12 is that if it's a 12a film then you have to be accompanied by an adult at the cinema, whereas of its a 12 it means you cannot rent or buy a film unless you are strictly 12. Films are rated 12 or 12a due to the strong language which could be used such as f****. Moreover there could also contain sexual references and also violence might be contained in a 12 or 12a rated film.

An example of a 12 rated film would be The fault in our stars. This is about a young girl who has lung cancer and who goes to a group with other teenagers who are trying to defeat cancer. There she meets a boy who had defeated cancer and has one leg. Its a romantic love story that soon ends with the boy dying. We follow both of these characters on their love journey. This film would contain sexual references which would be inappropriate for ages under 12 to view. Not only this but the ending could also be seen as inappropriate for under the age of 12 as it's a heartbreaking storyline that sensitive children wouldn't be able to handle. The BBFC have said that the film rating of 12 could contain stronger sexual references and bad language which is what this film does include; which is why it's rated a 12.The theme of this film is terminal illness film which is unsuitable for younger children to view as it could be seen as worrying and almost scary as to how it can happen. In one of the scenes theres open wounds which could also be seen as quite gory to the younger generation below the age of 12.

An example of a 12a rated film would be Hunger Games Catching Fire, as it contains strong violence such as murder and physical abuse to other human beings. The storyline of this is about different districts being chosen to attend the world hunger games. The winner has to kill everyone and sacrifice all dignity they have in the games; Moreover the storyline itself could be disturbing to even 12 year olds which is why they would need a parent/guardian to attend them at the cinema. In this film there is also mild sexual references such as kissing. The BBFC has said that Hunger Games Catching Fire contains intense threat, moderate Violence and also occasional gory moments;This would be seen as inappropriate to ages under the age of 12 also people at the age of 12 especially if they're sensitive children to these sort of films.

This film rating means that no one under the age of 15 is allowed to see the film, as it contains strong language, strong sexual references that would be inappropriate and unclear to the ages below 15. BBFC have said that in a 15 rated film it would include strong violence;frequent strong language,Portrays of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity. Discrimination and lastly drug taking. With different genres all of the points which i have made would be extreme to the point where it would distressful to ages under 12. All of these points would be seen as disturbing to the  younger kids below 15. To have this rating it would ensure that it would only be viewed by these ages as there wouldn't be any complaints.

An example of a 15 rated film would be The Equalizer. This storyline is about a man who is looking out for a young girl who is a prostitute but has no intention of doing it as a full-time job but she is being forced to do as she is owned by a company.  Denzel Washington who plays the man who looks after the young girl (Chloe Mortez) tries to sort the situation out but it ends badly as he kills the gang who made the prostitution company.This film would contain sexual references, violence, murder and lastly some parts could be occasionally gory.The BBFC have said that it has bloody violence, sexual references and strong language. Which is the reason why the BBFC have rated this film a specific 15.

18 rated films are for adults, no one under the age of 18 is allowed to view them as throughout there could be very strong violence and strong language. In some 18 rated films there could be consistent nudity or real sex. In different genres like horrors or thrillers there could be bloody gore to the extreme or even scenes
of sexual violence. The BBFC have said it contains strong language which can only be passed as an 18. Drug use in 18 films can be portrayed but it will never be promoted in a way that could be seen as acceptable.

An example of a 18 rated film would be Fifty Shades of Grey as it portrays every single point of what the BBFC said an 18 contains. It's about a very successful businessman who has a hidden secret and also involves a vulnerable girl named Anastasia who is easily persuaded into things, she's pure and innocent to begin with but in the ending she changes due to Mr.Grey, moreover this film includes real sex in some of the scenes which would be seen as highly inappropriate to the ages below 18, as it could come across disturbing to ages below 18 more to the ages of below 12. Even though it has major scenes that could be seen as inappropriate it also has romantic scenes that are acceptable to be viewed by any age, such as the scene of them in the aircraft and when he takes her to meet his parents at dinner. This is one of the reasons as to why it isn't rated any higher as the inappropriateness isn't shown all the way through. The film also includes nudity in most of the scenes which would be seen as to revealing to eyes under the age of 18. Most of the scenes in Fifty Shades of Grey would come as a surprise to many people according to the internet as some people may not of seen something like this before.


The BBFC has helped me discuss which film rating best suits the films that I'm discussing as it has all the information on what a U rated film would contain and PG, 12, 12a, 15 and 18. The film ratings have clear information as to what each film needs to include and stately says about what could be appropriate and sometimes inappropriate.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good analysis of the BBFC and the various age certificates, mentioning what age group a category is suitable for in detail, and provided relevant examples to support points made, referring back to the BBFC's classification guidelines.

    you need to:
    1) Elaborate slightly on you intro about who the BBFC are and what they do (talk about their research with the public and when they were founded etc.)
    2) Include a conclusion, stating how it has helped you decide what age certificate (state the one you plan to use) you will apply to your thriller sequence, and what you will be mindful to include/not include to stay in line with the various regulations
