Monday 28 September 2015

Research into Sound

I will be researching how sound is used in the film Strangers and how it is used to create different moods in different parts of the clip I have chosen. Within this clip it's about how the suspense/tension is being created and how it makes the audience feel. In this particular clip without sound it wouldn't be as scary or wouldn't build the tension which is needed for a successful thriller film, to ensure that you have a successful thriller film it needs to be conventional towards the particular genre your researching into which is why sound is key in a thriller.  It makes the film or particular scene. In this scene the lady realises theres someone in her home/outside. Which the audience can tell due to the diegetic sounds that are used in this clip. Moreover the clip I'm using has a lot of sounds in as this scene is all about building up the tension in the scene. Sound in a thriller film is used to create meaning and understanding in a thriller film. This will enable the audience to have a connection and response to the film.

In the beginning of this clip Kristen is sitting on the floor and non-diegetic soundtrack is playing this is like a everlasting vibrating noise which is echoing. This shows the audience that whats happening in this scene is going to go on for a while and isn't good as an echo noise is something that goes on for a while as well as a vibration noise, whatever you say as an echo goes out for everyone to hear as it's loud but never comes back to you; this interpretation means that the echo and vibration soundtrack shows the audience that theirs constantly someone there watching her as well. This is conventional to a thriller film as it builds up suspense and creates tension as to why that particular soundtrack is playing and shows the audience that something bad is going to happen.

Also in this clip theres non-diegetic sounds which creates suspense for the characters in the scene and also to the audience, This sound is metal scraping across the floor as it makes the audience wary as to what is going to happen next and shows the audience that there is someone outside waiting for Kristen. This noise also creates fear and anxiety as they are unaware of what it could be, so they begin to overthink and become more scared, throughout this scene the audience would begin to build a relationship with the characters so they'd also feel quite worried for the characters. Kristen is unaware of what is outside which causes her to overthink and panic. From this particular noise it shows us that whatever is outside causing this much fear to her isn'g good news and eventually will end up turning bad.  This is conventional to a thriller film as it's creating fear and axiety throughout.

When Kristen screams in fear and walks away from the window she knocks the record player which begins playing a terifying noise which sounds like it's saying 'I'm gonna get you' repeatedly. This particular soundtrack starts as soon as she sees one of the mask characters. The audience start to see  the tension that has been buliding up has stopped and now the fear kicks in, this is because you don't know who is going to get her and if she is actually going to get caught. However the soundtrack playing in the background gives the audience the idea that someone in going to get her. The soundtrack is being made out to say 'I'm gonna get you'. This is conventional as it shows the audience fear and even though the tension is over it makes the audience more engaged as to what is possibly going to happen next. In thriller films this is conevtional because it's creating tension.

Lastly in this clip all of the background music and banging and scraping of metal stop which puts the audience at ease but suddenly you hear footsteps slowing coming towards the room that Kristen is in. Which engages the audience more as you don't know who is about to come into the room; As throughout the scene she was seeing strangers trying to intrude into her home. It makes her wary. She sits there shaking holding a knife in her hand heavy breathing by this you can tell that the footsteps is scaring her. Shows the audience that a presence is coming closer and evokes the thought of not knowing what it he/she or it may be. This is conventional to thriller as it again creates tension and makes the innocent person in the scene intimidated.

Overall sound in a thriller film is a key convention as it creates an atmosphere and a clearer understanding as to what is going to happen next in the film. For example in the clip I have chosen tension is built up due to the soundtrack being used in the background. This also makes it clear to the audience as to who the antoganist or protagonist is by how much the sound is being built up or what sound is actually being used whether it's a low chello type drone or adversley it could be a high picth streak such as a violin. This is because they are extreme notes which depict a sense of expectation and intensitiy.


  1. You have provided an overall very basic analysis of the sound techniques used within this sequence, as you haven't always identified terminologies for each of your examples.

    You need to:
    1) Relate all points back to the audience and how they are able to build a relationship with the characters
    2) Check you have identified the correct terminology (scrapping of metal is off screen, other examples don't have terminologies!)
    3) Watch your phrasing and spelling, as it doesn't always make sense meaning that it is hard to understand what you are trying to say
    4) Make sure you follow the PEER structure
