Monday 16 November 2015

Group Storyboard - Miss Miller

Group storyboards are to initiate everyone's individual ideas and combine them all together to create a final successful storyboard, with a group storyboard it has a piece of everyone's individuality which shows the audience a different range of ideas. By having a group storyboard it makes everyone in the group involved as it's including everyone's ideas, Some members of the group may have more effective ideas compared to other members in the group which is what we would discuss with each other.

From all of our individual storyboards we selected elements which we thought would work well from each of our own ideas, however the beginning of out storyboard starts with the setting as it creates an enigma throughout the rest of the film; even though this wasn't apart of anyone's Idea on individual storyboard, I mentioned that we should add this at the start due to the reason of it creating an enigma which is conventional to the thriller genre. Even though all of our group adding in the flashback which will happen in the sequence, Sasha's idea was more effective as to how it will be triggered, the leading up to it, is more effective due to their being a lot of suspense and focusing on certain iconography in the sequence that may trigger it.

Luca's idea however started with an over the shoulder shot of the victim where she wakes up tied together with a rope; instantly this triggers a sense of fear towards the audience as well as the victim due to the over shoulder shot as this makes the audience feel more involved and build more of a relationship with the victim, as your placed in her position and experiencing everything the victim is.

In another part of our group storyboard we used Sasha's idea when there's a close up of the hands tied together with a rope; this clearly highlights the specific iconography being used as it makes the audience wonder why she's tied and they can clearly see what the victim is tied up with, it creates a relationship with the audience as it makes the audience worry for the victim as she's tied up; rope is known to be very strong and hard to get out of, by highlighting the specific iconography it shows the audience that it's the main element in this part of the scene.

In another one of our ideas that we discussed and compromised on was a picture of someone with a cross on it; this is from both Sasha's and John's idea, this is conventional to the thriller genre as it's revealing an identity of someone who's unknown to the victim; this is creating a sense of foreboding atmosphere as it's introducing another victim through a picture who has been crossed out, so it shows that, that victim is dead and the main victim now could be next.

From my idea we used the idea of a reaction shot straight after seeing the messages from the anonymous person; this showed the audience the victims feelings towards the messages and how sad she is, this is conventional to the thriller genre as it's using shock to create an effect on the audience; this makes the audience build a relationship with the victim as you begin to understand how the victim is feeling.

In conclusion the group storyboard made us a group come together and discuss our own individual ideas, which made our group storyboard effective and a piece of each of our members own ideas. With the group storyboard it made my group and myself have a clearer understanding of how to set out our opening sequence and what micro-elements we need to include to make it a successful thriller opening sequence. By putting all of our ideas together it made our sequence a lot more conventional and sinister as there is different thriller elements included.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a somewhat proficient analysis of your group’s storyboard, explaining what your sequence will consist of and giving examples of micro-elements used at different stages. However, you need to make sure that you refer to inspirations and really consider the benefit of creating a group storyboard

    You need to:
    1) Provide a PEER analysis of the micro-elements used from each of your individual storyboards, explaining why you have chosen these specific elements, what they create and WHY, how a relationship can be built and WHY they are conventional of the genre.
    2) Say what thrillers you have taken inspirations from as a group and why - where is this evident in your storyboard?
    3) Elaborate on your conclusion by explaining the benefit of looking at each member's individual storyboard before completing the group one, and how it will help produce a more successful sequence overall.
    4) Check SPAG
