Wednesday 21 October 2015

Group Narrative- Miss Georgiou

Group Member 1: John
Idea: John's idea is based on cyber bullying, in the opening sequence it will show a young girl watching an embarrassing video of herself which has been posted by an annoymous person that you will later find out in the film. She beings receiving disturbing and hurtful messages telling her that she is eventually going to die which is going to happen soon. As the film goes on more and more people begin to die by the same anonymous person. Within this thriller opening sequence my group and I have discussed that the strengths of the sequence is unique and has a well explained narrative that will engage the audience as you would want to know who the anonymous person is. This isn't a typical psychological film, it's more of a reality which makes it more realistic to the audience. This would also be more realistic to film, also it can be filmed anywhere and still be conventional to a thriller genre due to the narrative. The plot of this isn't complicated either so it will be easy for the audience to understand. However this idea doesn't create much of a mystery as a disequillibrium doesn't happen at the beginning of the sequence. The audience might not feel as engaged towards the end as it doesn't leave enough suspense as to what is going to happen next. A death doesn't take place at the beginning she just gets threats and just gets warned that she is going to die. The target audience for this film would range from 12 and over as ages younger than 12 would see this as scary or could be inappropriate.

Group Member 2: Myself
Idea:My idea for my narrative is going to be about a young girl and her boyfriend who go on holiday to Russia but she soon realises that since she's been away everything is going wrong back at home, she's unaware that her boyfriend is part of the Russian mafia and they want her, which is why everything back at home is going wrong,They're taking away all of her family and everything she has so she decides to stay in Russia. The Russian mafia take young innocent girls who are vulnerable and will believe anything they tell her. The strengths of this would be that it's creating suspension due to her not knowing what's going on back at home,she's unaware that the person she trust the most is the one ruining her life. My thriller opening sequence is creating an enigma throughout which is another strength; by creating an enigma it's showing the audience that something bad will eventually happen later on in the film, This is conventional to a thriller genre. Lastly it will engage the audience as you start feeling sympathetic towards the young girl who's being persuaded into doing the wrong things. However the weaknesses of my thriller opening is that it would be hard to set it as I would need more characters to take part for the Russian Mafia; also certain iconography such as the weapons would be hard to take into school and use. Another weakness of my thriller opening sequence is that it doesn't create enough suspension for a thriller opening. My rating for this film would be a 15 due to the weapons, violence, language and the narrative; It could be seen as inappropriate to ages below this rating. My thriller opening sequence is conventional to the thriller genre as it's creating an enigma, it leaves you thinking what the boyfriend's purpose was to do what he is doing to her.

Group Member 3: Luca Khan
My film idea is about a home invasion by a unknown man that is never seen while the man who owns the house definitely knows someone is there he is searching the whole of his house trying to find him and as the film goes on there are hints and his family is killed as the killer taunts him and makes him look all around his locked up house. Throughout the opening sequence the man is trying to find out who is inside his house and is not too afraid at the time, he keeps all his family with him and throughout the sequence the antagonist is making noise and putting signs around the house, the sequence ends with the antagonist still not revealed and given a sign to the victim as the antagonist locks the family in their own house with now way to escape. This is conventional to a thriller genre as the characters are unknown which will create a mystery to the audience, throughout the sequence it's creating a sense of foreboding atmosphere due to the victim who plays the man not knowing who's in his home, finally the unknown man is revealed and targets the victim; However in this sequence the victim in this is a man, when normally in thriller films is likely to see a female as a victim. The weaknesses for this sequence is that it's cliché which will make it clear to the audience what is going to potentially happen, so not a lot of suspense will be built up.

Group Member 4: Sasha
Sasha's narrative is about a girl who is held hostage and wakes up from being tied to a chair. The girl struggles to escapee but finally she does, The girl sea a person lying on the floor next to her covered in blood. The girl looks down at her body and in fear she realises that her body is covered in blood also. Suddenly she sees a shadow in the curtain, she slowly manages to get up in pain and fear and opens it, a face suddenly appears. The girl panics for a bit and as she turns around she sees the killer standing there with a blood covered knife; the opening sequence will end with an enigma which is conventional to a thriller film. Then there's constant flashbacks from how she was kidnapped and begins seeing traces from how it all happened. The flashbacks contain her at home on Facebook and she sees an embarrassing video of herself and she suddenly gets a lot of messages from an anonymous person. The messages contain the annoumonyus person bullying her and making her feel small about herself due to the video. Sasha's strengths is that it's conventional to a thriller genre and it will build up suspense throughout the opening sequence; this makes the audience feel engaged as to what is going to happen after the opening sequence,  Sasha's narrative is unique as you haven't seen this in any other thriller sequence, which will make the audience clueless as to what is going to happen. Her weakness' however is that the narrative may be seen as cliche in some parts such as the victim being the main person in the opening sequence, it would be made clear to you that something will happen to the victim. Some parts in the thriller opening sequence will be hard to film, which will also not make it realistic to the audience as it would be filmed in places that wouldn't make it as scary.

Out of Vlamidir Propp, Tzvetan Todorov and Aristole our group follows the Aristole's theory the most because his theme was narrative and included a protagonist and antagonist. For our opening sequence we would be influenced by his theory, due to it being similar to our idea and what we want to portray in our Thriller sequence. It also relates to our narrative as the audience are constantly feeling sorry for the victim and there is a dramatic question which will create an enigma throughout. However it doesn't follow Vlamidir theory as his was based on characters including an victim. Todorvos theory was based on a fairytale narrative which doesn't go well with a thriller genre narrative.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some proficient group planning and discussions about the group narrative. It is clear to see that you and your group have considered the strengths and weaknesses of each others ideas. However, what is your group narrative?

    1) Explain how you and your group came up with a group narrative- who's narrative idea did you decide to go with/incorporate and why?
    2) Elaborate on the points that you have included on the three theories and explore why you have selected Aristotle's theory
