I will be using a reaction shot in my sequence as this will be used when she sees the killer in the window/when standing behind her this will create a sudden effect on the audience as the camera goes straight onto the victims face for a reaction, the reaction shot will put the audience in the characters position which makes the audience see things from the characters point of view, this editing technique creates elements of surprise and suspense. This reaction shot was used in the film psycho, it was taken of the victim when she first sees the killer, I will be using inspiration from this shot as it will make the audience relate more to the scene as they've seen it before, moreover I will ensure that my reaction shot will create a suspense and shock factor on the audience just as this shot did in the film Psycho. A reaction shot makes the audience see how the character is feeling in that very moment, within my opening sequence I will make sure it will leave a significant effect on the audience as a reaction shot tells the audience a lot about the scene and what is going to happen.
Within my opening sequence I will use slow editing when she is making her way towards the curtain and she sees a mysterious object behind the curtain; Slow editing leaves an effect on the audience such as suspense and tension, the scene is being dragged out which will make the audience feel more engaged as to what the tension is building up to, also it will make the audience wonder what the mysterious object is behind the curtain it will make the audience think that it could be the killer, which is why there is tension being built up. As this builds up suspense it keeps the audience on edge due to them not knowing what's going to happen next. Slow editing shows the audience that something bad is going to happen as the tension is being created with a slow effect. This editing technique is conventional to the thriller genre as it's creating suspense and leaving the audience clueless for that specific time as to what is going to happen next.
In my thriller opening sequence i will ensure that their will be certain code and conventions in a thriller such as montage of shots; this will create a sense of fear to the audience; also throughout the sequence I will add quick cuts in to create a sudden effect to the audience, this would make the audience build a relationship with the characters as it would show sudden movement which resembles to fear.
I will be using is a linking of section when the flashbacks start happening this will make the audience understand that the flashbacks and where they are now aren't suppose to be in the same scene, linking of section is to also show the audience that we're trying to show what happened to the young girl (victim) in the past which will make the audience have a clearer idea as to what got her to the point she is now,This will intrigue the audience into wanting to watch the film more as they are beginning to have a clearer understanding of the victims background story which will make the audience feel even more sympathetic towards the victim.
This research into editing made me have a clearer understanding as to what I would include into my thriller opening sequence, Within some of my editing inspirations I have found inspirations from other thriller films such as psycho where the reaction shot was used, within the research it has shown me that I could use inspiration from different films to make a successful thriller opening sequence.
This post demonstrates proficient planning techniques, this is because you have selected a variety of styles that you would like to include within your sequence and it is clear to see how your visualise your sequence.
1) Include your A3 planning sheets
2) ELaborate on the points that you have included on the codes and conventions of a thriller